Orders / Circulars

  • Home Orders / Circulars

Sl. No. Issue Date Reference No Description ACTION
1 21-01-2025 234-BRAIPR-11013(11)/2/2024_SEC (BRAIPRD) Approval for opening for the new Head of Account '4515-Capital Outlay on other Rural Development Program-00-001
2 21-01-2025 235-BRAIPR-1103(33)/2/2024-SEC (BRAIPRD) Governor has been pleased to accord approval for opening of the following new Head of Account printing to Demand No.4 under Administrative Expenditure during the F.Y 2024-25
3 21-01-2025 320/PRD-31014/2/2024-JRY SEC- Dept. of PRD Governor is pleased to cancel the transfer order of Shri Abhayananda Banik, Junior Engineer (Civil under RWP Set Up
4 09-01-2025 124 -RD/O/13E-09/2024 Posting Order of Assistant Engineers (Civil)
5 09-01-2025 PRD-36099/80/2023-RIDF The Governor has been pleased to accord approval for opening of the new Head of Account '3054-Roads and Bridges -04-DISTRICT AND OTHER ROADS-338-Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana-005
6 09-01-2025 078 / PRD-36099/80/2023-RIDF The Governor has been pleased to accord approval for opening of the new Head of Account '3054-Roads and Bridges -04-DISTRICT AND OTHER ROADS-337-Road Works-' 001- Assistance to WBSRDA for salaries of Deputed Govt Employees-36-Grants-in aid Salaries-00--.V’ pertaining to Demand No. 40 under Administrative Expenditure during the financial year 2024-2025
7 06-01-2025 050-RD/O/C/1E-01/2-24 Gradation List of Joint Block Development Officer as it stood on 01.01.2025
8 02-01-2025 2895 NOTIFICATION
9 02-01-2025 2895 NOTIFICATION
10 02-01-2025 2897 NOTIFICATION
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